Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Science vs. Pseudoscience

Nearly everyone knows the basic definition of science but not many have even heard of a pseudoscience, though many are involved in some form of a pseudoscience or another. Despite the lack of knowledge of the specific definition of a pseudoscience, many still get the two confused or simply ignore their difference. So what is the difference between the two? Science deals with facts and general laws. Science is the study of how natural things throughout history have worked and how they work now. For example, a biologist studies nature, animals, organisms and such then records his or her observations. They then try to come up with facts of what they are studying. Scientists form their own hypothesis but never state that their predictions are proven fact. Science is very logical, it takes precise steps and repeated experiments to find an interrelationship between somethings.

However, a pseudoscience may resemble a science in some ways but it is very different. Many people go and have their palms read, their future told or every month read horoscopes in their favorite magazines; these are all examples of a pseudoscience. A pseudoscience can be a simple theory or practice. It has no scientific basis. Though science and pseudosciences resemble each other, there are not any careful observations or controlled experiments to prove something as what will happen in your future as fact.

I personally find the difference between the two to be very interesting. It is true that so many people rely on pseudosciences to some how make life easier. A pseudoscience just seems like a quick fix, a simple answer in most cases. I think a lot of people take a pseudoscience like a horoscope and turn it into a huge deal, something that defines their life. Of course it is fun to see what your palm may have to say about you or what your future possibly holds, but I think people tend to take them too seriously. True science is reliable. Of course there will be flaws here and there because humans are the ones who are making the observations and conducting the experiments, but the majority of science is very reliable. A pseudoscience has nothing to support, exept maybe a few coincidences.


MS. Eder said...

Excellent posting! So, where do you stand on psychology and theology? Science or psuedoscience?

Jme said...

Interesting thoughts on the topic. I feel the same way, a lot of people take palm reading and psychics way to seriously. It seems many people want it to be real so bad that they see simple coincidences and think it works.

bill0702 said...

I like how you were able to add a human emotion to the effects of Pseudoscience. It really can help a person to understand why pseudoscience isn't just kicked out the window and completely irreguarded.


Doobinator said...

I like it, your explanination of the topic was tasteful with out being gaudy. You hit the nail on the head.

Keri said...

I liked how you spoke your mind on how you felt about pseudoscience. I think that does happen alot. I totally agree with pseudoscience being a quick fix on life. I'll have to admit I read my horoscope in magazines. lol.


SarahAnn said...

Nice Hailey! I totally agree that people rely a ton on palm reading just to make them feel better about what is going on in their life. Your post was really easy to understand and I enjoyed reading it :)