Monday, April 14, 2008

Solar Systems & Galaxies

What's the difference between a solar system and a galaxy? How are they similar? Many people get the general idea of them but let's look further into what they really are...

Solar Systems

A solar system is a system of planets and other objects in space that orbit a star. They can also contain other systems within it. Our solar system is mostly just empty space but contains some very important and interesting things. In our solar system, we have eight planets along with dwarf planets. The inner solar system contains the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. The outer solar system contains Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. We also have over one hundred moons along with asteroids, comets and terrestrial planets. All of these objects in our solar system revolve around a star, which we call the sun. These objects are also all gravitationally bound to the sun.


Galaxies are large systems of stars and matter between and around stars. Galaxies contain millions and even trillions of stars which is an amount hard to imagine. There are different types of galaxies though. There are spiral, lenticular, elliptical, and irregular galaxies. We live in a giant spiral galaxy, which we call the Milky Way. Spiral galaxies pretty much define themselves. They appear as a flat, large disk which often contains a lot of interstellar matter and is in a spiral pattern. Lenticular galaxies are very similar and are defined as "spiral galaxies without spiral structure." Elliptical galaxies are in the shape of an ellipse but do not rotate as a whole. Irregular galaxies are galaxies without really any shape. This is due to the gravitation of other galaxies around them.

I find this all so hard to imagine. It's so hard for me to picture in my mind millions and trillions of stars and how space goes on forever, how is that possible?! It's so unbelievable and amazing. I found that pictures of galaxies were so pretty to look at. I really enjoy learning about space and how far out all this is. Personally, it's just crazy where we live. Though, I'm still wondering how all of this is physics related.


cst.onge said...

Good Job! you have some very good points about galaxies and solar systems. i agree with what you said about galaxies. there is so many things in our universe that we will never be able to see or experience or touch. its scary to think that we're not the only ones our there!!!

RachelA said...

NIce intro and facts at the beginning! I agree, the way we live is crazy...wonder if those "other life forms" feel the same way?!>?? Nice post!


Jme said...

Wow this post was very organized! I loved the way you presented the information. Your definitions were very accurate.

jb7645 said...

Great Post! You did a really good job of organizing everything into its own little place. I too sometimes go crazy when I start imagining how far the universe goes and how small we are compared to it. Keep up the good work.


NHellTull2552 said...

Great Job!!! Very good points in your post about our galaxies and solar systems. Good introduction and very useful facts. Universe is enormous and we will never know everything about it. It's kinda weird but yeah

the one and only

MS. Eder said...

The latter part of you book, coveres exactly this, space and everything celestial. I believe this is an excellent medium for learning science information. Don't you?

Your post is well written and very concise.