Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Over the years science and religion have clashed when it comes to how our universe was formed. Science feels a strong need for the understanding of our world and religion feels the strong need for our world to have meaning. There are many theories out there, many people have their own beliefs but there are two major theories that we have. They are widely accepted but not by the same people. Science and religion have always seemed to contradict eachother, but can they possibly support one another?

When it comes to the beginning of our universe scientists believe that the Big Bang was the way that our universe came to be. The Big Bang Theory is a theory that tries to explain how the universe was formed, which was thought of by Edward Hubble. Scientists believe that about fifteen billion years ago a huge explosion started the expansion of the universe. They believe that everything in the universe was compacted. The Big Bang actually was of an explosion of space within itself, not an outward explosion. The galaxies weren't all bunched together, but the Big Bang set out the foundations for the universe.

Now, there is another theory other than the Big Bang of how the universe was formed. Christians believe that God created our universe. "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."- Genesis 1:1. They believe that God created the universe, the earth and all of its life forms. They believe that the Bible is God's word and contains information on how the world was created. The scriptures in the Bible provide what they need to know in the beginnng of the universe.

I personally believe that science and religion in some way or another can support eachother. I do believe that God created the universe, but I don't disregard science at all. I know that both of these things have to correspond with eachother. Albert Einstein said himself that, "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." And I completely agree with this. I believe God is real and I know that most science is fact.


NHellTull2552 said...

you do believe that god created the universe huh? well many can argue that fact but i agree with you also. Good post

the one and only

Doobinator said...

Well done on your blog. You really out did yourself. Super-Duper job there kid-o.


cst.onge said...

good job on your blog. i completely agree with everything you say. the big bang theory is very interesting and it seems like you really believe in it. can't wait to hear your next blog.

MHellTull30 said...

Beautifully short and sweet! I do believe that religion supports science in many ways. The world is inter-related in many ways, everything touches each other. Great post, your spelling was impeccable, and you CAPITALIZED ALL PROPER NOUNS! Very astute of you!

Fabulously yours,

jb7645 said...

Good show old chap. I really enjoy how you always seem to keep god in the picture in some way. Keep up the awesome work.
